Froggy riviera what has always been and remains the best that Le Lavandou can offer you, in all modesty and great objectivity!!
In this charming 17-room hotel, the oldest in the town worthy of this name (see below), family, friendly, without fuss or other frills, preserved over the years in this "juice" so decried and yet so envied because of the one from which we make the best sauces!!
So, browse these few pages (with us, no doctored, retouched, embellished photos: authenticity!!) to convince you definitively and do not forget that we are still and always, at your entire disposal for any additional information in order to perpetuate this tradition of welcome which always makes our indestructible excellent reputation!!
In addition, our free private parking for cars (limited spaces) is complemented by a free two-wheel garage (bicycles and motorcycles) closed at night.
From half May to the end of October, we are open every day from 7 a.m. to noon and from 2.p.m to 7 p.m.
By prefectural decree of September 5, 2016, our establishment is unfortunately not able to accommodate people with reduced mobility.
Originally, from the end of the 19th century, there were three adjoining villas (hence the three different roofs) called "Villas Carrère" from the name of the widow who rented them for the vacation of the city dwellers in need of calm, sea and resorts.
Then, these evils visibly increasing..., these three houses were united in a single building to become the hotel "Les Iles d'Or", renamed in 1971, the current "L'Ilot Fleuri".
The architectural transformations that this building has undergone over the many years of its still much-jealoused existence are illustrated by the period photos displayed below.
We can simply say, to sum up, that the hotel had a renowned gourmet restaurant for a long time (whose room was located under the current rotunda, which was originally "square", still owned by the hotel, but currently rented by another type of restoration, and the kitchens…in the current garage), that it was red in color with blue shutters (always see the corresponding photo) and, for the more “contemporary” “anecdote”, was requisitioned during the last World War to shelter successively the occupants (who trapped it on their hasty departure…) then in particular the wounded (from both sides) during the Allied landings of August 1944 (after mine clearance…Complete?...).
It is even said that some "Caids from Marseille" came there to "go green" between the two wars, in view of the tranquility of the place... Already...
Some other personalities, more "journalistly" hunted than "policely" sought this time..., still haunt these walls, strong in our discretion...
Now, browse and contact us, remaining constantly convinced of the pleasure we will have in informing you and filling in other anecdotes far too numerous to all be recorded here. You think: since the said last war that our family welcomes you, that makes some things to tell!
See you soon !!
04 94 71 14 82